Python Project: Guess the Number

How the Game Works:

  1. Change the number range from 1 to 10000

  2. Game should ask us to guess the number

  3. Give a clue if the number is higher or lower than the guess

  4. Inform the player if he won

    from random import randint
    value=randint(start, end)
    print("The computer choose a number between",start, "and",end)
    while guess!=value:
        text=input("guess the number :")
            print("Your guess is lower than the number")
        elif guess > value:
            print("Your guess is higher than the number")
    print("Congratulations  !! you guessed the number you wone")   

Benson Kimingiri Wangui
Benson Kimingiri Wangui
Software Engineer

My professional interests include Web Development, Gamming Development using Pycharm and Web Scrapping Using Python.